D. Mureşan*, Rodica Mureşan**
* UMF “Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Clinica Obstetrică- Ginecologie I
** Clinica ORL, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Cluj-Napoca


       Virusul papiloma uman face parte din familia papilomavirusurilor si cuprinde o familie de peste 200 de tipuri care infectează epiteliile stratificate si epiteliile mucoaselor. Dintre tipurile cunoscute 30-40 sunt patogene, putind determina infecţia zonei anogenitale. Infecţia cu anumite serotipuri de HPV este cunoscută ca fiind agentul etiologic al cancerului de col uterin, a cancerelor vulvare, vaginale, anale si orofaringiene. Deasemenea poate determina papilomatoza laringiană juvenilă, boala gravă prin simptomele si tratamentele repetate necesare. Studiile epidemiologice actuale au identificat şi confirmat existenţa şi a altor căi de transmisie a infecţiei HPV in afara căii sexuale. Una dintre acestea este transmisia verticală de la mamă la făt. Particularităţile acestei căi de transmitere nu sunt incă complet cunoscute şi există studii care incearcă să identifice factorii de risc pentru transmisia verticală precum şi cea mai bună atitudine obstetricală pentru a realiza o profilaxie a infecţiei nou-născutului.

Abstract – Vertical transmission of HPV

       Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a component of the papillomavirus family that includes more than 200 types that infects stratified epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes. From these types 30-40 are pathogens and are capable of infecting the anogenital region and causing disease. The infection with certain HPV types is the main element for the development of cervical cancer and malignancies of the vulva, vagina, anus and oropharynx. Also HPV is the cause of the juvenile-onset laryngeal papillomatosis, a severe pathology by the symptoms and by the repeated treatments that are needed. The epidemiological studies have identified and confirmed the existence of others routes of transmission of the HPV infection besides the sexual transmission. One of this is the vertical transmission from the mother to the fetus. The characteristics of this route of transmission are not yet fully understood and there are ongoing studies that try to identify the risk factors for the vertical transmission and that also try to define the best obstetrical approach for the prophylaxis of the new-born infection.

Keywords: HPV infection, vertical transmission of HPV, pregnancy and HPV, juvenile-onset laryngeal papillomatosis

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