L. Pop***, Dana Oprescu**, Oana Toader*, Roxana Vasiloiu**, N.Suciu*
* Clinica Obstetrica Ginecologie „Polizu”, UMF „Carol Davila” , Bucuresti
**Depart. OG Polizu al IOMC, Bucuresti
Hemoragia postpartum reprezinta una din cauzele principale de morbiditate si mortalitate in postpartum, avand in ultimul deceniu o evolutie sinusoidala. Managementul hemoragiei postpartum constituie o provocare pentru medicul obstetrician, conduita moderna urmarind prin folosirea unei terapii disponibile cu cost redus, controlul imediat al hemoragiei, recuperarea rapida si prezervarea functiei reproductive. In acest context, metode moderne cum ar fi insertia balonului Bakri, reprezinta optiuni importante pentru terapia hemoragiei postpartum.
Abstract – Prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage
Postpartum haemorrhage is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in postpartum, having past decade a sinusoidal evolution. The management of postpartum hemorrhage is a challenge for the obstetrician, modern behavior aims to use a low-cost therapies available, immediat control of bleeding, quick recovery and preservation of reproductive function. In this context, modern methods such as Bakri balloon insertion, are important options for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
Keywords: postpatum haemorrhage, Bakri balloon, uterine artery embolization, hysterectomy