Reka David1, Magdalena Viorica Nagy2, F. Stamatian2, Tunde Kovacs2, V. Bura1, Iris Morar2, Roxana Pintican1, Radu Fechete3
1 County Emergency Hospital Radiology Department,Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3 IMOGEN, County Emergency Hospital, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
4 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Endometrial cancer is the sixth most common cancer in women worldwide. In last years the diagnoses in endometrial cancer has been increased, being more important as a cause in new cases, than in terms of mortality. Endometrial cancer has a reasonable survival prognosis, if diagnosis is made early. Therefore, new diagnosis methods are tested every day. A series of 1H NMR spectra were recorded in vivo at a short echo time of 35 ms using a 3 T GE magnetic resonance apparatus for two groups of five healthy voluntaries and five patients with endometrial cancer. All NMR spectra were primary analyzed using jMRUI software and visually inspected without a definitive conclusion especially in the case of those belonging to patients with uterine cancer. Next, the 1H NMR spectra were numerically analyzed by three specialists using dedicated software written in Processing and the concentrations of more than 20 metabolites were extracted and averaged. A list of the metabolites with highest concentration (total choline, Alanine, lactate, intramyocellular lipids, N-acetyl aspartate, Glucose) was used together with water content, sum of a macromolecular resonances, sum of all other metabolites and age of volunteers/patients into an Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We found that for this lot of patients and volunteers the third analysis (PC2 versus PC3) is the best in differentiation between healthy women and those with endometrial cancer, and we evaluate the contribution of each metabolite.
Cancerul endometrial este al saselea ca frecventa dintre cancerele diagnosticate la sexul feminin, avand un prognostic bun daca este diagnosticat intr-un stadiu precoce. Pentru acesta sunt testate incontinuu metode noi de diagnostic. In acest studiu au fost analizate datele spectorsopice obtinute prin examinare RMN 3T, cu timp de ecou de 35 ms, la subiecti sanatosi si la pacienti cu cancer endometrial. Datele brute au fost analizate si fitate intrun prim stadiu folosind jMRUI. Dupa fitare, datele au fost postprocesate folosind un soft special, elaborat cu ajutorul programului Prossesing, curbele obtinute au fost analizate numeric de catre trei specialisti. Un set de 5 metaboliti, cu concentratiile cele mai mari (colina totala, alanina, lactat, lipide intramiocelulare, NAA, glucoza), impreuna cu concetratia apei, suma resonantelor macromoleculelor, respectiv varsta au fost folosite pentru analiza PCA (Principal Component Analysis ). Rezulatul acestui studiu este ca analiza PCA (PC2 vs PC3) este unul adecvat pentru diferentierea pacientilor sanatosi de cei cu cancer endometrial.
Cuvinte cheie: 1H MR Spectroscopy, uter normal, uter canceros, analiza PCA
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