Alexandra Lavinia Cozlea1, Etele Előd Élthes2, Árpád Török2, Reká Santa3, M. E. Capîlna1
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Târgu Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital, Mures County, Romania
2 2nd Department of General Surgery, Târgu Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital, Mures County, Romania
3 Department of Neonatology, Târgu Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital, Mures County, Romania
Objective: The purpose of the study is to compare surgical techniques applied in gynecology and general surgery, and also the level of ovarian tissue preservation. Materials and methods: A retrospective comparative study was conducted during January 2014 and December 2017 in the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the 2nd Department of General Surgery, Târgu Mure’ Emergency Clinical County Hospital, including 262 patients diagnosed with ovarian cysts. Patients were structured in 2 groups, Gynecology Group (GG) including 204 patients and Surgery Group (SG) including 58 patients, all patients being observed from the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative perspective.
Results: Clinical and demographical analysis showed no important differences between the study groups, except for a wider abdominal pain localization in SG (P < 0.0001). Laparoscopy was performed more frequently in GG (P < 0.0001), in which we also observed the performance of more conservative surgical procedures on the ovarian parenchyma (P = 0.0287) in a timely manner (P < 0.0001), in comparison to SG. Postoperative assessment showed similar administered medical treatment between the study groups, hospitalization costs were not statistically significant, but the length of hospital admission was notable shorter in gynecological patients (P < 0.0001).
Conclusion: Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts should be reserved to gynecologic surgeons trained to perform delicate procedures on ovaries, especially in young women.
Obiectiv: Determinarea potentialelor diferente privind tehnicile chirurgicale utilizate in ginecologie si chirurgie generală in tratamentul chirurgical al chisturilor ovariene. Material si metodă: A fost desfăsurat un studiu retrospectiv în perioada Ianuarie 2014 – Decembrie 2017 în Clinica Obstetrică-Ginecologie I si Clinica Chirurgie II din Spitalul Clinic Judesean de Urgensă Târgu Mures incluzând 262 de paciente diagnosticate cu chisturi ovariene. Pacientele au fost structurate in 2 grupuri, Gynecology Group (GG) incluzând 204 cazuri, respectiv Surgery Group (SG) unde au fost regăsite 58 de cazuri, acestea fiind analizate din perspectivă preoperatorie, intraoperatorie si postoperatorie.
Rezultate: Analiza clinico-demografică nu a prezentat diferente importante între grupurile de studiu, cu exceptia unei localizări mai extinse a durerii abdominale în SG (P < 0,0001). Laparoscopia a fost decisă mai frecvent în GG (P < 0,0001), si de asemenea au fost practicate proceduri chirurgicale mai conservative asupra parenchimului ovarian (P = 0,0287) durata interveniei chirurgicale fiind mai redusă fată de SG (P < 0,0001). În urma evaluării postoperatorii s-a constatat o similaritate privind tratamentele administrate, diferentele între costurile de spitalizare în cele două grupuri fiind nesemnificative statistic, însă durata spitalizării s-a dovedit a fi mai redusă la pacientele din serviciul ginecologie (P < 0,0001).
Concluzie: Tratamentul chirurgical al chisturilor ovariene ar trebui să fie rezervat specialistilor ginecologi antrenati în efectuarea unor proceduri delicate asupra ovarelor.
Cuvinte cheie: ovar, chist, laparoscopie, prezervare, sutura
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