Gashi Astrit M.1 , Ismajli Jakup 2 , Gjocaj Curr3 , Gojnovci Xhevdet4 , Rafuna Naser5 , Nuraj Petrit6
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Pristine
2 Emergency Department in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, University Clinical Centre ofKosovo, Pristine
3 Director of the Hospital and University Clinical Service of Kosovo
4 Neonatology Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Pristine
5 Pregnancy Pathology Department in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, University ClinicalCentre of Kosovo, Pristine
6 Urology Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Pristine
Hydronephrosis is characterized by dilatation of the collecting system of the kidney. Fetal hydronephrosis is usually the expression of an obstruction of the urinary tract and, less frequently, of a nonobstructive pathology. In our case, we have to do with bilateral hydronephrosis. This can be due to bilateral vesico-ureteric reflux and urethral obstruction, which is usually associated with evident ureteral dilation. Review of the literature suggests that in the first two years of life occurs spontaneous regression in approximately 40%–50% of cases and need for surgery in 20%–30% of cases, according to the grade of hydronephrosis present during the prenatal period. The cases with bilateral hydronephrosis associated with oligohydramnios, have unfavorable prognosis. We present a case, with an iatrogenic preterm birth, because of congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract, but with unfavorable outcome (death of the baby), from neonatal complications as prematurity and manifestation of Infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS). Despite the adequate management with the timely diagnosis and therapy, the baby died within a few hours.