Advanced Fetal Ultrasound: State of the art 2023

Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SRUOG) together with EXTEMPORE Europe is delighted to invite you to register to the author’s Course from Prof. Chaoui & Prof. Benoit “Advanced Fetal Ultrasound: State of the art 2023”.

This is the on-site Course that will take place on the 25th of February in the capital of Romania – Bucharest.

This course is dedicated for Ob&Gyn doctors, fetal medicine specialists, sonographers, radiologists and others interested in fetal ultrasound.

The scientfic program of the Course was specially elaborated by Prof.Chaoui and Prof. Benoit and is ready to your attention below. For more information you can visit the Course web-site where you can find all the details of the event.

It’s just a high time to book your room in the venue hotel “Crowne Plaza” in Bucharest and to join the team of ultrasound professionals in Romania!

Come to Bucharest to learn from “gurus” of modern ultrasound and make your dreams come true!

Vino în comunitatea SOGR ca să fii informat!